The Lurking Monster

Pollution/environmental degradation threatens us all, and it is something very close to my heart. Therefore I tried to push everything else aside and was determined to make a game for this jam. I got to know about this event only a couple of days ago, so I didn't have the whole month to work on the project. Still I started with an ambitious idea for a Real Time Strategy styled game, where you have resource management and combat. Sadly though, there wasn't enough time for me to develop that idea further, I kept pivoting and cutting down on things. Until with just 2 hours to submission, I settled on the current state of the game. A single screen endless game, where you are defeated if all of your units are destroyed by the monster, and you win if you managed to secure certain number of the plastic bags littered on the ocean surface.
The biggest stumbling block in development has always been my ADHD and my inability to properly learn instancing/spawning game entities in a game engine. No matter what engine I am on, I will always get stuck with managing instances. Be it Unity, Godot, Gamemaker or Gdevelop.
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